Saturday, June 14, 2014

Protein, Fiber, and Hands are NOT for Hitting!

Hey guys have a quick update.  So this last Tuesday I met with my other dietician.  To be polite...I really did not like her. She talked to me like I was a child, criticized me, and even had the balls to say I was CHOSEN to be like....I don't know one of the privileged!!  Are You SERIOUS!!  I had to remind myself that hands are not for hitting because she really got under my skin.  Also it concerns my that these 3 people I am seeing that are supposed to be knowledgeable and help me get this all under control have no idea the differences between a vegetarian, vegan, and pescetarian. (As I typed that my spell check didn't know what a pescetarian was either...) The newest dietician was amazed that I was brave enough to start eating eggs and cheese....YAH! She thought that I was vegan.  I had to reexplain it to her just as I have everyone else in that drs office.  I am an Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarian!

Anyways, away from the negative...*DEEP BREATH*..
She did tell me a few helpful things like that if the fiber in a food is high enough it virtually cancels out the carbs, especially in veggies.  This is because fiber is actually carbs but as we all know we don't digest fiber so it doesn't count. For more on this click here.  She also recommended eating more protein. It will help me feel full longer and help to keep my blood sugars down.  So yesterday when I went to the store I picked up Whey protein powder 160 cals, 3 grams sugar,  8 carbs, and 25 grams protein!! I also got cottage cheese 1/2 cup is 90 cals, 5 carbs, and 13 grams protein!  As well as these deliciously chewy pure protein chocolate bars that are 180 cals, 3 grams sugar, net carbs of 13, and 21 grams protein. 

I also grabbed more veg like spinach, greens. eggplant, zucchini and summer squashes, carrots, and cauliflower.  I got more peanut butter for protein yumminess as well as PB2 which is a powdered peanut butter.  I think I may try making some baked goods so I picked up flax and almond meal instead of flour.  I also stocked up on frozen fruit to make smoothies or add to my breakfasts.  Lastly I grabbed almonds. They have been my go to snack for a little while now.  I have cocoa, strawberry, and cinnamon roasted yummm!!

Thats pretty much it. Sorry for the last of pictures in this post.  I promise more in my future posts as I start cooking with this stuff.  See you in my next post! :)